EC2007 ECDIS Kernel

The EC2007 ECDIS Kernel is a software development kit (SDK) that helps OEMs to develop a wide range of marine chart-display applications, such as: ECDIS, WECDIS, VTS, Inland ECDIS, ECS, tactical consoles, etc.

Fully featured, stable and compliant, EC2007 significantly reduces development risks, costs and time-to-market for maritime chart-display and navigation applications, such as ECDIS.

Supported Applications

EC2007 is made not just for type-approved ECDIS and Inland ECDIS applications, but also for many other military, civil and offshore applications, such as:

  • Naval Combat Systems
  • Vessel Traffic Service (VTS)
  • Harbour and Coastal Surveillance
  • Training and Simulation Systems
  • Search and Rescue (SAR)

Supported Functionality

  • Chart Handling (loading, decrypting, updating)
  • Chart Display (with automatic chart selection depending on position and scale)
  • Chart Object Handling (creation, manipulation, querying)
  • Sensor Handling for NMEA, AIS, ARPA (only EC2007 ECDIS Kernel)
  • Routing (planning, calculation, monitoring, recording)
  • Guard-zone definition and prediction
  • Navigational calculations for clearing lines, electronic bearing lines (EBL), etc.

Supported Chart Products

  • ENC 2.0 (S-57 3.1.3, S-63 1.2)
  • Inland ENC (IENC) 2.4
  • Port ENC (PENC) 1.0
  • Bathymetric ENC (bENC) 1.0
  • Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO) 2.0
  • Additional Military Layer (AML) 1.0, 2.1, 3.0.1
  • DNC
  • TOD 0,1,2,4
  • VMap 0,1
  • ARCS
  • BSB
  • GeoTiff
  • DTED

Supported Standards

  • IMO Performance Standards
  • IEC 61174 and 62288
  • IHO S-57, S-52 and S-63
  • EU Inland ECDIS Standard 2.2
  • STANAG 4564 (WECDIS)
  • STANAG 7170 (AML)
  • MIL-2407 (VPF)
  • MIL-89045 (GeoSym)
  • MIL-89049 (TOD)
  • MIL-89033 (VMap)

Supported Environments

Applications utilizing EC2007 can be developed in C, C++ or C#(.NET) and for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and Linux Operating Systems.

For programming in a C#/.Net environment, SevenCs offers SharpCoat, a C#/.Net wrapper for the Kernel that is specifically designed to support the rapid development of ECDIS.

Free Product Evaluation

A two-month, free-of-charge evaluation (including comprehensive documentation and technical support) enables software developers to fully evaluate EC2007 and its associated modules.

To request a free evaluation, or to get more information, please contact [email protected].


SevenCs GmbH
Zirkusweg 1
D-20359 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0) 40 851 72 40
Fax.: +49 (0) 40 851 72 4 79
E-Mail: [email protected]