S-101 Reader Plug-In for FME


The Feature Manipulation Engine (FME ®) from Safe Software Inc. is a powerful software tool for the transformation of digital data from one format into another.

SevenCs S-101 Reader for FME is an extension for FME that allows FME users to read, display and query Electronic Navigational Charts in the new IHO S-101 format. 

Moreover, the S-101 Reader plug-in can be used in FME Workbench for advanced data-processing tasks and conversions.









  • Integrates smoothly in all FME applications
  • Supports S-101 simple and complex attributes
  • Supports S-101 attribute multiplicity
  • Translates  S-101integer enumerations into human-readable definitions.



S-101 Reader for FME Product Sheet


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